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Community Life


To find out more information about Waldorf education and other useful links, please visit the following:



We're the UK's leading children’s charity. We’ve been looking out for children for over 130 years – and we couldn’t do it without you.Find out more about our structure, the way we operate and how we fight for every childhood.

Nottinghamshire Safeguarding

If you think a child is at risk of abuse, please report this to us via our form. If you have urgent concerns for a child or suspect that a child has been abused in any way, please call us immediately on 0300 500 80 80 (if you are a member of the public) or 0300 500 80 90 (if you are a professional). If you require an urgent response outside of working hours (08:30-17:00), contact the Emergency Duty Team (EDT) on 0300 456 4546, in an emergency call 999. To report a crime, call 101.

Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship
The SWSF is the membership organisation for all Steiner schools and independent Steiner Early Years settings in the UK and Ireland.

Steiner Education FAQs

ACTS – Acknowledging Creative Thinking Skills
Funded by the EU Erasmus+ (Key Action 2, School Education Strategic Partnership), and described by them as a ‘paradigms shift’ in education, the Acknowledging Creative Thinking Skills (ACTS) project sought to redesign qualifications to truly meet the needs of today’s young people, growing up in a complex and uncertain world where creativity, adaptability and flexibility of thinking will be a premium alongside the competent mastery of a range of disciplines.  The initial aims of the ACTS project have been decisively met and now offer schools and policymakers internationally, a significant, credible alternative to current provision.

Waldorf Today
News about Waldorf from around the world.  The world’s largest Waldorf website, news and events portal.

Waldorf Answers
This website intends to provide answers about Waldorf education, in depth, that parents and prospective parents may have and to clear up some of the misconceptions that may exist about Waldorf education.

Alliance for Childhood
The Alliance for Childhood is an international network of people and organisations, acting nationally and locally. The aim of the Alliance is to raise awareness in society of the importance of a good and healthy childhood, promoting the development of human beings able to build a society based on a culture of peace, environmental sustainability and respect for all differences.

The Waldorfs
The international list of famous Waldorf alumni.

EYFS Best Practice – All about Steiner Waldorf Education


Contact Us

The Iona School
310 Sneinton Dale

0115 941 5295