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Friends of Iona

Friends of Iona is a self-selected group of people who support Iona school. You are welcome to join us!

It includes current parents, alumni parents, staff and trustees.

Our aim is to contribute in a way that enhances the school and the wider community of Iona. There are many ways to help, and the Friends of Iona is like a hub for all the ways to help. As the Friends of Iona include staff and trustees, the heart of our purpose is to remove any barriers encountered by allowing a venue for decisions to be made and for the flow of information to travel with more ease between all involved. Any minor contribution is welcome and highly valued, so please don’t hold back!

We meet at least termly, at 3.30 pm in the school café. The following meeting dates are:

9th May  2024

11th July 2024

10th October 2024

30th January 2025

You are welcome to come along. If you would like to get in touch, you can contact one of the trustees,  or one of the teachers, Mr Early,

Contact Us

The Iona School
310 Sneinton Dale

0115 941 5295